Carlisle Greenmarket and Market Square


Cumberland Council





Project Type

Public Realm


In Progress

Natural Dimensions are excited to announce the completion of design work for the Carlisle Greenmarket and Market Square. This area has been a central part of the history of Carlisle for the past several centuries and still today is solidly woven into the fabric of daily life. We are delighted to have received this opportunity to be a part of a generational project to improve the historic core of the city with the highest quality materials, extensive new planting, elegant streetscapes and new outdoor space.

Natural Dimensions was commissioned to rework the initial concept design for the Greenmarket space and develop it into a technical package for construction. The proposals aim to establish the Greenmarket as a cultural venue for the city, transforming the space into a vibrant green heart and a new setting for urban life. New tiered and sculpted seating encloses a new event square and incorporates several innovative art features to establish a distinctive sense of place and connect the present with the site’s history. A stage area allows city residents and visitors to enjoy creative performance in the Greenmarket and Market Square backdropped by a large new planted area which incorporates sustainable drainage features. The area is also a gateway into the city’s historic quarter and provides an appropriate context for the beauty of Carlisle’s nationally recognized architecture.

Designs will extend existing improvements on the northern part of Castle Street southwards past the cathedral to the threshold with the Greenmarket. Designs also allow for the re- positioning of the existing war memorial to a more prominent area within the Market Square and its setting will be enhanced to allow for Victoria Cross plaques to be mounted in a more elevated platform.

Proposed paving is a combination of porphyry cropped setts, red sandstone flags and granite which draw inspiration from the existing materials palette in different parts of Carlisle and create a stronger historic context.

An avenue of trees is proposed in the Market Square framing the view towards Greenmarket and new seating will upgrade the existing benches. Architectural lighting and catenary lighting are also important aspects addressed in our design proposal to ensure spaces are enjoyable, attractive and safe during evening time. Construction starts at the end of August 2024.